Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Power of Personal Testimonies

We had a great turnout at our UTD Fall Camp a couple weeks ago! Our community is growing in size, depth, and diversity.

Rather than preaching sermons, our tradition at Fall Camp each year is for our students to share from their own experiences in following Jesus. You would have been so touched to hear these courageous young men and women get up in front of nearly 200 of their peers to share about decisions the Lord has led them to and the obstacles they've had to persevere through. They shared about depression and struggles with other mental health issues like OCD, about fighting through cancer and years of treatments, about tough breakups and major life transitions and moving across the world, about the challenges of keeping commitments and opposition from family members who don't love Jesus. Then we sent all the students out in pairs to walk and talk and share their own experiences. The overwhelming thing I heard on the backside was new students expressing something like "I realized that if they can be leaders and not have it all together, this is a community that I can be a part of and be honest with." It's so sad that people have the impression that they need to have it all together before they come into Christian community, but the good news is that more and more are realizing that Jesus invites them as they are, and this community is one that will love them through the ups and downs of life.

FOJ Story

Last month I asked you to pray for our new FOJ studies. One of our core leaders shared this story with all of our leaders, and I think you'll find it encouraging! (If only I knew how to make all of these the same width so it looked good. ;)

Student Testimony

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