Friday, August 16, 2024

The Freshmen are Here. Time to Pray!

The past three days freshmen have been moving in at UTD, and I think we have the most excited, bold, bought-in team of student leaders ever! They are killing it. Please be praying for these students every day through next Friday. These are the most important days of our year in some ways. If we sow generously now, there can be a great harvest in the year to come. Many of the opportunities we miss are unlikely to come back around. We have many events planned in the coming days, but here are a few pictures from freshmen move-in days.

We set up each evening between two of the residence halls and the dining hall with all sorts of games and activities. This area gets a lot of foot traffic.

Spike ball is always popular. We had 5 sets out and people are constantly using them. It's great when you get to be partners with a new student.

A lot of the young women enjoy simply sitting around and talking. We have craft materials if they want to make something.

We go until well after dark. It's hard to tell from the pictures, but we have had hundreds of new students come through and participate. Peter estimated that we met at least 250 new students one night.

I love this image. We've been reaching out to new students on Instagram. In this case, we missed his question because the event had already started, but he came and our students were shining with the love of Christ! It's my prayer that every new student gets loved on their move in day.

Please pray for the Lord to connect us with students who are seeking him, for boldness in forming spiritual friendships, and that we can be a blessing in every way for these young people at such a critical time in their lives.

Other Updates

We had an amazing group of students in town for the summer. We got together every Thursday in June and July, generously hosted by Care Church in Richardson.

These are the 2024-25 FOCUS Missionaries. What an amazing team impacting so many campuses across DFW, including our new mission officially launching at TCU this week!

I got to travel to New Jersey to officiate an alumnus' wedding a couple weeks ago. Jonathan Rao (second from the left) found an amazing, godly bride in Sharon. Josh Wallace (left) and his wife Mandi did their pre-engagement counseling. I remember going to Bible studies in Josh's apartment my freshman year in FOCUS, so it was so special to do some ministry together!

Alumna Testimony

Once a year, we have one of our amazing alumni share about the longer term impact of our mission in their life. Elise's story is so encouraging to me!

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Resting and Revving Up

I was in prayer this morning for the thousands of new students who will be coming to our campuses in a little over a month. And then I was reminded of these words from Brady Bobbink, one of my ministry mentors:

"There is a passage in Jonah where the Lord speaks of Nineveh being a great people where they do not 'know their right hand from their left.' What a pithy but sad description of how morally confused and lost people can be even though they are part of a powerful, rich, and well-educated empire. When I think of our campuses, I think the Lord would say the same thing about lots of secular students and the professors who lead them.
"But here is the surprise. The Lord’s statement is not the rationale for Him condemning the city for its moral lostness, but rather to explain to Jonah why he is acting in compassion to rescue them from their situation. Our Lord is long-suffering, not desiring that any should be lost, but instead desiring all would come to know Him."

Would you join me in praying for open hearts and minds? And in praying for our missionaries and student leaders to be bold and creative in living open, inviting lives on campus. While many see the church in decline, I see open doors on campus. As this more cynical generation of students loses hope in the ability of science and politics and secularism in general to solve the world's problems, their hearts are primed to encounter the only One who is worthy of our hope. Thank the Lord we are positioned and ready to meet thousands of them in the coming weeks!

Some Sad News

Some of you may have heard already, but my mom's cancer from eight years ago has shown up again and has metastasized to a number of places in her bones, lungs, and liver. We're in the process of figuring out a path forward, but I'm sure this will affect what my year of ministry looks like and my overall capacity. Please be in prayer for my family, and ask God for wisdom for me in all these decisions.

Some Happy News - A Student Testimony!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ready to Be Back in Town!

May is always a crazy month with our SICM trip--10 days in the Pacific Northwest, spending time investing in students and equipping them for leadership in the coming school year. Sarah and I were back for a couple weeks to wrap up the school year and the apprenticeship, and then we left for Colorado! We got to spend a few days with Geoff and Jessica Mumley from Bellingham, WA. For those who don't know, Geoff is the director of the ministry that hosts SICM. He and Jessica first became key partners in ministry, and that grew into a very meaningful friendship. We got to spend time in the mountains with them, encouraging one another and talking about ministry for the coming years.

Then Sarah and the Mumley's flew out and a group of younger men pastors and alumni joined me for a few more days in the mountains. I use this time each year to build deeper relationships with key men who I see as especially worth investing in. One of the exciting parts of this year was inviting Mick, Kevin, and Stian who will be on our pastoral staff at Collin College next year. Collin will be a new area of focus for both Sarah and me in the coming year as that team transitions away from Garrett Davis's long-term leadership (since he's at SMU now) and gets ready for exciting new things!

All that to say, I'm ready to be home! I will spend the summer connecting with God, with potential new student leaders, with various alumni and ministry partners, as well as plenty of our pastoral staff and current student leaders. It's a lot of people, but a slower pace. We will also start planning for the fall, but most of that work will come in August. I gathered a bunch of pics to show you what's been going on!

Not mentioned above, I got to spend a night in Austin hanging out with three alumni who I got to coach when they were student leaders. It's awesome to see how their faith and service continues to grow!

At SICM, Stian and Lindsey and I got to lead a hike for around 40 of our students.

Sarah and I live a rough and sacrificial life, having to go to places like this. :-P

Hanging out with Geoff and Jessica Mumley. And the Breckenridge Troll.

Jonathan is a recent grad who I spent time with all through his college career. He's back in Colorado Springs, where he grew up, and I got to spend a day with him! I was so encouraged to hear how he is thinking through where to go to church and how to meet the needs he sees around him.

More of the crew who came up. Not pictured are our admin Paul and Mick, who will be an apprentice at Collin.

Many have asked about my nephew Brooks who spent many months in the hospital after being born prematurely.

He's home and doing well! He's doing multiple hours a day off the ventilator as his lungs grow stronger. The hope is that he will be completely off it by early fall and they can remove his trach completely once the next cold and flu season is over.

I've also got another new buddy in Peter's son William.

We watched some apprentice sermons together. I wasn't distracted at all.

Thank you for investing in this mission work and praying for God's work on campus. FOCUS is in a great place, and I'm excited to see the impact we can have together the next school year. 2024-25 here we come!

Student Testimony!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

End of Year Sharing!

One of my favorite times each year is our final Friday Night Fellowship at UTD, when we open the mic up to all the students and let them share what they've seen the Lord doing in and around us this year. I know you will be encouraged if you take the time to listen to this small part of all the stories that your prayers and financial investments have produced this year! (You can click the picture below or to go to this link.)

SICM 2024!

And we're at SICM! We've come up to Bellingham with our biggest group ever--over 150 of us! Please be in prayer for us this week, that these students would catch a bigger vision for their own discipleship as well as for how God may want to use their time on campus. 

Also, I'm teaching some this year! I'll be teaching Jesus Style Discipleship and Spiritual Friendship, the bookends of the conference. These lessons that I originally heard from Brady Bobbink up here over 20 years ago have deeply affected my life, faith, and ministry. They have shaped the values and direction of the FOCUS community. I'm honored to be sharing them with a new generation, but these are big shoes to fill! So pray for me, that God will use me as I share these great Jesus truths to help shape these young hearts and minds.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your faithful participation in this little piece of God's very big mission!

Our 2024 SICM crew sitting on "The Stairs to Nowhere" on WWU Campus.
Please pray for us this week. This can be a life-changing week for these young adults!

Student Testimony

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Spring Outreach Week!

For the week leading up to Easter, we hosted 9 young missionaries from Western Washington University to help us tell the good news about Jesus on campus at UTD.

Each day from Monday to Thursday they were out on campus with our students and pastorsa engaging with people one on one. On Monday, they relived the story of Jesus washing his disciples feet by getting on their knees in front of strangers with shoe cleaning kits and cleaning their shoes for them. As they cleaned, they asked whether the person had ever heard the story of Jesus washing feet (many hadn't!), told the story, and started conversations about whether that was compatible with the person's views of God.

On Tuesday they engaged people to talk about what burdens them and burdens the world. They had them write those things on small wooden tokens that we took up and glued to a cross. Then, on Thursday, students were asked to share what they thought were the characteristics of a perfect world on colored tokens and glue those on top of the burdens. These kinds of conversations where we combine asking questions with acting something out physically create deeper interactions and memories that stick.

Wednesday was an extra special day, our annual Rez Fair (Rez for Resurrection as we celebrate Easter coming up) with all the other campus ministries and a bunch of area churches. Hundreds of students came through the fair for live music, giveaways, games, food, and spiritual conversations. At booth after booth they had the gospel shared with them in many ways as they experienced Christians of many kinds--Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant included--joining together in unity to celebrate the most important day in history!

Andrea from my team MADE this beautiful sign!

Our table that day was a classic--"Ask a Spiritual Question; Get a Cookie." This always leads to so many interesting discussions with people who don't yet know Jesus! We also ran all of the games and music, as well as all of the setup and tear down for the event. Many of our alumni and church members cooked and hosted so that we could make all these special things happen this week. Thank you for supporting us so that Jesus can be boldly proclaimed on campus. Salt and light! Pray that these seeds now planted and watered will grow.

Student Testimony

Darreyl is such a kind, godly man. I remember my first real conversation with him in Bellingham, WA, during SICM a few years back. He had a heart then to love and serve his peers in college, and he lived it out over the next few years! Now he is taking that same heart and the things he learned into a new context.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

February Went Fast!

Our biggest event this past month was our Pizza Theology on the Bible. First Baptist Church Plano was SO GRACIOUS and generous in hosting us for this event when we couldn't get a large enough space on campus. Five FOCUS pastors did the teaching, helping students understand what the Bible is, how it came together, some of the challenges and choices of translating the Bible into our language, and what it means that the Bible is inspired. They did an amazing job! It should be uploaded soon to our Pizza Theology channel on Spotify for those who are interested in listening. 

One moment that was particularly encouraging was when the young adults pastor from FBC-Plano stood up to pray for the meal and told the students how this teaching was just as good as any seminary teaching and that he was blown away they were getting that (plus a pizza dinner!) for only $10. 

At the end of the evening, one of our pastors overheard a girl on her way out saying to her friends, "I wish everyday could be like this." Thanks for investing in us and praying for us and believing in our mission to train and equip young people rather than babysit them to keep them out of trouble. They can do remarkable things with our support!

Over 430 showed up to take notes and learn during 4 hours of teaching!

My beautiful wife was one of the teachers. She talked about the formation of the biblical canon.

Students lined up to get pizza!

Incredibly, it was over 80 degrees outside for a beautiful evening in February. We are not used to being able to eat outside at this event!

Student Testimony

Bonus Pic!

I love this picture. One of our alumni is a kindergarten teacher. They had a college day, and we were able to work out with student life to give every kid a UTD t-shirt left over from recent events. This is her class trying to do the UTD "Whoosh"

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Best Winter Retreat Yet!

Over 570 people came out to our annual Winter Retreat a few weeks ago. You would have been so touched to hear student after student reading Mark 14:24-25 in their own native languages, languages from all over Europe and Asia and Africa, not to mention American sign language and Choctaw. I cried through the whole thing and so did basically ever other pastor I've talked to. The Lord has sent the nations to us here, and his kingdom is breaking in and doing a new thing in an age of division. I just kept praying Psalm 2:8 over our mission: "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Join me in praying that the nations will know him because of the way we love one another here in DFW!

Students came to Retreat to hear Dr. Daniel Lee from Fuller Theological Seminary speak about Disruptive Grace. His talks were indeed disruptive for a lot of us--disrupting our subtle legalism and the lies we believe about God. As I've been sharing the audios with alumni and friends who weren't there, I'm continuing to hear how especially the first couple messages are ministering to people at a very deep level. I'm excited to share them with you here and I hope you'll take time to listen.

I always laugh at the students wanting to look nice for this picture. I'm like, "Your head will be smaller than the head of a pin when people see it." Feel free to play "Where's Waldo" looking for me. 

Bonus picture of Peter and me with Dr. Lee who spoke at Retreat. His class on grace was one of the major highlights of seminary for both of us, and we were so excited to share it with our whole community!

The Freshmen are Here. Time to Pray!

The past three days freshmen have been moving in at UTD, and I think we have the most excited, bold, bought-in team of student leaders ever!...