Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Stories from the Year

Last Friday night we had our last FNF, which is always one of my favorite nights of the year. Instead of a teaching time, we open up the mic for students to share about how they've seen God working this year. The stories are so sweet! Here's the prompt we use:

In other news, I joined in this year's Parking Lot Graduation ceremony to celebrate my new seminary degree!

Since I was walking, Rhett handed out the "diplomas," which are actually a letter of blessing and sending from our pastors to the graduates.

We had 43 graduates this year from UTD alone!

Student Testimony

Thank you for loving young people into God's kingdom!

Jesus Incarnate

This time of year we are often thinking of the Incarnation, the idea that God became a flesh and blood human in Jesus. We focus on the memor...