Thursday, February 9, 2023

A Tough Month, But Also a Blessed One

We've had a number of tough things happen this month. Three days before our Winter Retreat/Camp, our biggest event of the year, we found out that Andrea's mom (Andrea is one of our pastors at UTD) has cancer that has metastasized in a number of places. Andrea was even scheduled to speak at the retreat. That same day our administrative director Paul was injured playing sports and required surgery. We made it through the retreat, and then a few days later, while at FNF, two of our students leaders (one was Mick who I introduced last month) got the news that their 18-year-old brother had died in a car accident. I got to drive the boys down to be with their family in Houston that night and go down again for the funeral. So many hearts are heavy in our community right now. I could tell a number of stories that aren't as dramatic but are very painful to those involved. Would you stop and pray right now for the Lord's comfort for all of these young people as they navigate grief and loss?

Winter Retreat itself went so well! We were at a new location that I think will work well for us for years to come. Our messages were preached by FOCUS pastors from 1 John. We also did a special extended session on Theology of Work and Vocation, helping the students think about how their careers fit into God's plan for their lives. All of this content is available on Spotify if you are interested.

The Impact of Our Shared Ministry to Young Leaders, continued

Jadon (left) and Paul (right) are the other pair of core leaders I meet with weekly this year. They are incredibly thoughtful and insightful young ministers. I'm so impressed by them!

I asked Jadon and Paul to share in just a sentence or two how being a leader in FOCUS is impacting them:

Paul writes, "One way I am learning from being a leader in FOCUS is realizing how true community is not something that always comes naturally, but often takes effort to build, resulting in support and love."

Jadon said, "Being in FOCUS has taught me the importance of intentionally pursuing others as a means to community building. Growing up, my friendships required very little conscious effort in order to maintain, but learning how to be purposeful in my relationships has helped me mature and enhanced my relational depth."

Thank you for all the ways you invest to make this ministry to students possible! I think it will pay rich dividends for the Church in the years to come.

San Diego Visit

I missed the annual Dallas ice days during a visit to San Diego last week! Among other things I got to travel with my good friend and coworker, Garrett Davis, as well as connect with some amazing UTD alumni who I miss very much!

Got to hike with Luke Anderson, one of the sweetest and most loving guys I've ever met. He was in my peer team a few years back.

Spent a few hours with Daniel Colina, such a wise young man of God. I was deeply encouraged to see how he is passionately pursuing the Lord in a new place and season. It was chilly, but the beach was beautiful!

Garrett has been my friend for well over 20 years at this point. He's a good one to have! FOCUS is blessed to have all of his gifts from the Lord serving our students and pastors.

Student Testimony

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...