Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year! And a Little About How the Last One Ended

Finishing Seminary!

It will be a few months before I get a diploma, but, assuming I and my advisor didn't make any mistakes, I finished my last seminary class in December! So I should be earning a Master of Arts in Theology. It was a great experience overall and one that I am VERY glad to be done with! I think two master degrees is enough for me, and I have no plans to pursue any more degrees in the future. I love reading and listening to lectures, but unless the Lord specifically tells me to, I am DONE writing papers with footnotes and bibliographies. 

One of my biggest takeaways from the whole experience is that I am so proud of the continuing education experience for the pastors on the FOCUS staff. Our pastors are perpetually learning and processing material together. The things we learn are very much at a graduate school level, and we are learning and applying in community. We also have the luxury of going back through material again every few years, both to bring new staff along and to review and process anew for those who have been around longer. My seminary experience has enriched what we do for our team by expanding my list of topics and resources in a huge way! I'm still working to share the things I've been learning.

I think there will always be a place and need on our staff for a few people to pursue this kind of formal education and use that extra gift of knowledge to bless our students and protect us from inadvertently becoming heretics! Thanks for supporting me through this three and a half year season where I've had a bit less mental space to devote to our students in hopes that I would have more to offer in the future.

In lieu of a real graduation in California, my sweet wife made me a fake diploma and had a small graduation ceremony at our staff Christmas party. I'm told the cap belongs to a high school girl.

The FOCUS staff at our Christmas dinner

The UTD Men Staffers. What a fantastic group! (Peter, Me, Cort, Stian, Rhett)
But I'm asking the question I ask most days: "What is Rhett wearing!?"

The Impact of Our Shared Ministry to Young Leaders

During the semesters, I spend time every week with a few of our core leaders. I wanted to give you some brief insight into how they see the experience of being a leader in FOCUS shaping them.

Michael (left) and Mick (right) are one of the Core Facilitating pairs that I meet with weekly this year. They are such a blessing to me!

Michael writes: "Being a leader in FOCUS has shaped my view of a relationship with our Savior from something that is a part of our life, to the entire purpose of our lives."

Mick writes: "Being a leader in FOCUS has blessed me with a zeal for God like I have never felt before. It has kept me focused on the Cross at a time where so many others walk away from the faith."

I invite you to join me in praying for these two as they step back in for semester #2 in a couple of weeks. I look forward to introducing you to another pair next month!

Student Testimony

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...