Monday, November 28, 2022

Thank you!

After celebrating Thanksgiving this past week, I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to all of you who pray and give to make our work on campus possible. Because of you, this semester we have been able to:

  • Offer a weekly service on campus where students can hear about a loving God and the Good News offered through His Son, Jesus.
  • Provide weekly Bible studies that meet throughout campus that allow students to explore faith, experience Christian community, and build deep spiritual friendships.
  • Mentor student leaders to evangelize and make disciples of fellow students.
  • Build intentional friendships with many people who don't yet know Jesus.
  • Provide financial support to students who need specialized Christian counseling in addition to pastoral care.
  • Purposefully reach out to different ethnic groups on our campus and provide them with a place to be seen, heard, and valued at UTD.
  • Teach a 4-hour class on the book of Revelation to over 400 students who showed up ready to take notes and learn!
  • Provide safe and substance-free social activities and parties for students on campus.
  • Support students as they seek freedom from sexual addictions and substance abuse.
The list could go on and on. I deeply appreciate your investment in these young men and women. May God bless you and your families and deepen your knowledge of His incredible love, grace, and compassion.

TODAY is Giving Tuesday and our Keep FOCUS Growing Campaign!

We have $54,000 in matching funds pledged to help us reach our goal! So much of this campaign is about being able to support our amazing administrative team. Three points come to mind:
  1. The work they do in the background frees up our campus pastors to spend more of their time with students and less on administrative tasks. I think of them as laying the tracks that the campus ministry train runs on. We wouldn't get very far without them!
  2. By raising this money through this special offering, it frees our campus pastors from having to spend more of their time fundraising to each raise a share of the overall ministry budget. Again, that means more time devoted to the mission.
  3. All of our administrative team are past small group leaders in our ministry, and all continue to do some meaningful pastoral ministry to college students. So they both indirectly and directly support our mission to make and mature disciples to God's glory!
Not all of the funds raised today go to pay administrative salaries. We also use these funds for new initiatives, special needs for our new campus plants, and seizing unexpected opportunities that arise. Please pray about giving a gift to be matched today! (We'll definitely be taking money after Giving Tuesday too! :)

This Month's Testimony

If you haven't seen them, check out all the neat student testimonies posted on Facebook for KFG this past week or so! 

Friday, November 11, 2022

2022 KFG (Keep FOCUS Growing) Campaign Coming Up!

Every year, we raise money on Giving Tuesday after Thanksgiving to cover administrative costs (so the pastors don't have to raise those in addition to their own salaries) and have money set aside for growth initiatives. Please keep this on your radar as you prayerfully consider any year-end giving!

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...