In a little over a week, we will be heading to NW SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry) in Bellingham, WA, for the first time in 3 years. We put on our own SICM last year, but it just wasn't the same. Our crew this year is just as big as ever--94 students and 19 pastors! I'm so excited to see the fruit of this intensive training and spiritual development, not to mention the friendships and community that will be built, when we return to our campuses this fall. We're even taking 7 students from Tarrant County College, a new school we started at this year! Please pray for safety, that COVID doesn't disrupt the trip for anyone, and that the Spirit will move powerfully through this trip yet again.
Leadership Pictures
I wanted to share a few pictures of the amazing teams of young leaders that I get to lead and work with each week. God is doing cool things through your gifts and prayers!
This is our UTD pastoral staff for the year (minus Victoria who is out on maternity leave). Through their servant leadership, our community at UTD has come out of the pandemic as strong as ever! |
Taylor has been my apprentice this year! Such a blessing to work with him. |
Our entire core leadership team doing the UTD "whoosh." These are the students and pastors who led our small groups to reach 300+ students this school year. They are an outstanding bunch! |
These are the men in my peer team who I coached in ministry this year. They insisted on sitting in my lap for this picture. They have all truly been a joy to work with. From left to right, it's Jonathan, Jackson, Harrison, Tony, and Taylor. Only Jonathan will be back at UTD in the fall, so I will have a new bunch to invest in! |
Student Testimony