Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A Few Things Coming Up

Student Institute of Campus Ministry

SICM is coming up in May, and our Showcase fundraiser last weekend was a big success! Thank you to all of you who came and were SO GENEROUS!!!

If you didn't get to attend, we have a video you can watch at! You can also make a donation toward sending students to SICM there, but you can watch without any sort of donation. It was a great show, and I hope some of you who couldn't be there in person will check it out!

The big challenge we are facing with SICM is that not many students are signing up. With only a couple of days left until our original deadline, we have less than half of the normal number signed up. It's been 3 years since we've taken students to Bellingham, so we only have a few still around who have been and who can tell the others what it's like. Even with our normal momentum, it can be a challenge to ask freshmen to invest that much time and money to travel with a group they don't know well across the country. This is a year for rebuilding that momentum, so please pray that a larger group will decide to attend this training that has been so pivotal for our mission. 

Spring Outreach

Moving in the other direction, we have two teams of students from Washington State coming down the week after our Spring Break to join our community in doing targeted outreach and evangelism at UTD and Collin College. This is another thing that hasn't happened since 2019, and we are excited to get back to it! Pray for many fruitful, kingdom conversations with students on these campuses.

A Significant Schedule Shift

For April, May, and part of June I will be cutting my hours with students and staff back to take three seminary courses. I'll share more about them in future updates, but I'm excited to spend some more targeted time learning, and I'm even more excited about the prospect of being able to finish my MAT (Master of Arts in Theology) by the end of 2022! This has been a good experience, but I'm ready to have it off my plate.

Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts to make this mission to the campus possible. It is truly not something I could do alone!

Student Testimony

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...