Sunday, January 9, 2022

Omicron Challenges

We're coming back from a refreshing Christmas break, but Omicron is bringing a number of changes that we are trying to navigate: 

  1. We postponed our winter staff retreat to mid-February. This is an important event for our apprentices, and we had a number of people test positive for COVID in the days leading up to it. Thankfully, the vacation rental we were going to use allowed us to change our reservation with no penalty!
  2. Multiple of our campuses, including UTD, have opted to go fully online for the first three weeks of school this semester. (UTD had already pushed back the start of the semester by a week.) We are in the process of figuring out how to get our cores and one-on-one Bible studies going again rather than delaying another month, as well as how and where to have our larger weekly fellowship meetings.
  3. Winter Camp is this coming weekend (Jan 14-17)! We had to cancel completely last year, so we are excited and eager to move forward with having camp this year. Rikk Watts, who has spoken at camp before and has had a huge impact on our community, is scheduled to come. However, with the Omicron surge and many of our students remaining out of state because of the delay in getting classes back on campus, we are looking at coming in way under our contracted minimum for the camp. Please join us in praying that we can work that out with the camp and that we can take as many students as possible as safely as possible.
For all of this, we need lots of grace and wisdom! Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support throughout the pandemic as we navigate new challenges. Even with so many new hurdles, our mission continues to grow and expand on DFW college campuses. Students are being introduced to Jesus and getting to know him better. They are being loved into the kingdom, and your love for them is a part of that!

I'll make sure to make Rikk's talks available when we have them! I know you'll be blessed.

Student Testimony

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...