Friday, October 9, 2020

How to Think Like a Christian - Politics Edition!

With the upcoming election, all the challenges of living together in society are on many minds. We are all sensitive to the constant barrage of media and entertainment that we experience every day. It's hard for the God's messages to us through the Bible to keep up! 

One of the themes we return to again and again as we try to mature young disciples of Jesus is "How to think like a Christian." That's easier said than done! Faithful, Jesus-loving individuals fall on nearly every side of nearly every issue--but that doesn't mean they're all thinking like Jesus would want them to! Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church showed how much their thinking had been shaped by the world instead of by the cross. In terms of their thinking, they were "mere infants in Christ" (1 Cor 3:1). This is the challenge I see all around me in the church, not just with young people. Our recent Pizza Theology was an attempt to give students tools for understanding laws and politics that will hopefully point their thinking in a better direction. It was designed to be a base hit, not a home run (as if that would be possible in a few hours!), but the feedback has been exactly what we hoped to hear--it's making students think differently and deeply. Please join me in praying that these young followers of Jesus would have wisdom in how they participate as citizens of our country. If you want to check out the Pizza Theology, you can find the videos on our new YouTube Channel

Garrett (our director at Collin College), also shared this article that is well worth reading and thinking through.

Good News

We continue to hear lots of good news when we talk to the student leaders. A couple of our guys sat down to have lunch with a new student on campus. They found out he was an atheist, but invited him to core and he came that night! He's continued coming weekly and is now in a one on one Bible study as well. This past week he shared that he was realizing that he had rejected a certain way of reading the Bible, but had never really investigated if there was a better way. He said something along the lines of "I guess I shouldn't call myself an atheist until I've done that." So cool!

One of the guys I mentored last year shared this story: "I just met a Muslim girl on campus that was really interested in talking. I shared the story of when I visited prison to forgive the guy that killed my dad, and when I shared that I forgave him only because Jesus would she looked off and said “Jesus would do that.” I gave her a connection card and her eyes seemed to light up at making new friends and having discussion with other girls."

Halfway through the semester, our cores are still growing because students are longing for connection, and the Christian ministries are the only people offering it! I'm praising God for this opportunity and praying that we steward it well. Thank you for helping make these stories, and so many others, possible!

Student Testimony

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...