Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our Biggest SICM Crew Ever!

The school year is rushing along to a conclusion, and I'm spending a lot of time looking forward to next year already. We invited 45 guys from UTD to the Student Institute of Campus Ministry this year, and about 24 are going! That's a record for a single gender from a single campus, and it's also a testament to the amazing team that I have in Laurence and Sirak and Peter. God continues to do great things in the lives of guys on our campus. We have a number of young men considering becoming followers of Jesus right now. They've been studying the scriptures and talking through the faith with their core leaders for months. Please say a prayer that God would bring a great harvest in the next couple of months.

Overall, we're taking an incredible 115 students to SICM this year (compared to 78 last year)! We only invite students who haven't been before and who we think could step up to lead a core next year. So this is a sign of great things to come for 2016-2017.

To make sure our students are able to afford SICM, we have a great event coming up. Many of you were able to attend the Spring Showcase last year, and the show was phenomenal! I was blown away by the talented musicians and artists, most of whom are students or alumni from FOCUS. Well, it's coming up again in just a few weeks, and I'd love for all of you to be a part of it. I promise the show will be amazing! Here are the details:

April 2nd, 2016
Art sale starts at 6:30PM; Show starts at 7:30PM
North Dallas Community Bible Fellowship
(2801 E President George Bush Hwy, Plano, TX 75074)
Purchase Tickets Online: OR in person from students who will be attending SICM this year. Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for students. 

People mistake me and Peter for twins all the time.
A huge portion of my time is spent developing younger ministers and leading our staff across DFW. It's some of my favorite work. This year, I've been mentoring one of our 14 interns--Peter Ueng--and I'm excited to let you know that we have invited Peter to stay on staff with us at UTD in the coming years, and he has agreed! We only invite the cream of the crop to join our senior staff, and by the time someone has been a student leader for a few years and then spent a year on staff through the internship, we know them very well. Peter has been so much fun to work with and brings a lot to our staff team. He is a man of God, and I can't wait to see how he develops and grows in the coming years.

Thank you for all the ways you serve and give to bless others. I know those investments reap powerful rewards. Speaking of, here's a 10-minute TED Talk on how money can buy happiness. It's worth a listen.

Prepping for Pizza Theology!

One of my roles on staff is overseeing our larger teaching times, including our two Pizza Theology events each year. This spring we looked a...